

What does membership mean?


The public organization "Azerbaijan Society of Resuscitators and Anesthesiologists" is a non-governmental organization established in the form of a public association based on the membership of doctors engaged in practical, pedagogical and research work in the field of anesthesiology and resuscitation.

It was created on the basis of the common interests of members of the society in order to satisfy their moral or other non-material needs, to represent and protect common interests, as well as to implement statutory goals that do not contradict the law.

The purpose of the Society's activity is to promote the creation of conditions for the most effective realization of the creative potential of the Society's members in the interests of the development of medical theory and practice in general, and, in particular, anesthesiology and resuscitation.


Society members can be:

Any individual and legal entity (with the exception of state authorities and local self-government bodies) can become a member of the Society.


Membership rules

Members of the society are admitted by the board of the society.

To join the Society after reading the Society's charter, a written application is submitted to the board of directors. The application is considered within one month. If, as a result of voting, more than half of the members of the Board expressed a positive attitude to this issue, the applicant is considered an elected member of the Society.


The annual membership fee is paid through the society's website.



Members of the society are equal among themselves and have the following rights:

- participate in the management of the organization in accordance with this charter and other documents

- elect or be represented in any elective, including the governing body of the Society

- participate in events organized by the Society

- receive information about the activities of the governing bodies of the Society, control their activities

- turn to the community for help in protecting their interests

- personally participate in the discussion of any issue related to his rights and obligations, express his objection to the relevant bodies of the Society and file a complaint

- access to community learning modules, webinars, congress and symposia materials

- be aware of any event organized by the society

- receive discounts for participation in varius events and trainings held by the Society

- communicate with Azerbaijani anesthesiologists-resuscitators on our platform

- get to know and receive new or updated clinical protocols

- subscribe to the electronic journal

- participate in community training and leadership training and mentoring

If you want to join our membership, please proceed with the registration.